Video OLD


CORDS (hear us and have mercy)

Lenght: 3:07
Format: 16:9
Published: 2008


I have filmed the vocalcords of four singers. The song is ”Kyrie” from a mass written by Thomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611). The angelic song is juxtaposed by the fleshy image of the working vocal cords. I am interested in our concept of God, how it has created our ideas about moral and ethics, our relation to our bodies (especially the female). Shame and honor, the grotesque and the sublime.

Director/producer: Sara Lundberg
Editing/sound: David Ricci
Camera/Cheif Physician: Gunnar Björck

  • Linda Öhlin
  • Carina Aronsson
  • Gustav Nordlander
  • Carl Slettengren
    Artistic advisor:

  • Andreas Gedin
    Technical/Musical advisor:

  • Eva Björkner

  • ”Kyrie Eleison” av Tomás Luis de Victoria
Thanks to:

Olympus, Kungliga Konsthögskolan, Sveriges Författarfond, Gary Graden, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, Per-Åke Lindestad, Jörgen Palm